Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Giving Tree


There's an old saying about "Seeing the Forest Through the Trees". For a photographer, I think it's also hard to "See the Trees in the Forest". So far the trees that catch my eye tend to be by themselves. When they are by themselves their not in as much competition with other trees, so they can form a nice uniform rounded look. When they are in the forest they seem to grow quickly toward the canopy so that they can receive the sunlight that they need. I photographed a few trees today as I snowshoed with Tank, our black lab. I liked this one the best.
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Willow Glen Cemetery, Freeville NY

Lynne Vincent suggested this tree for my blog. I had never been there before. This tree sits on a little hill. I think that trees bring people peace, so they like to have them in a cemetery. (It was very cold when I took this photo.)

Do you have a favorite tree that I might photograph?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Small Willow at Stewart Park

I've seen some incredible photos of some of the larger Willows at Stewart Park in Ithaca. I decided to try one of the smaller trees. I'd like to go back when the lighting is better. We had fairly solid cloud cover all weekend.
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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pooh Bear Tree

The tree in the distance is one of my favorites. At lunch time we'll sometimes run by this tree. It always seems so peaceful.

Today it was snowing quite heavily when I photographed it. The snow acted as a filter.

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